OPEN SESSION: Sounds To Keep – talk & taster session
9:30 am-12:15 pm
University of Brighton
Sounds To Keep – talk & taster session
In Autumn 2019, we worked with British Library’s Unlocking Our Sound Heritage at The Keep, and a University of Brighton PhD intern, to create and deliver Sounds to Keep: a series of community sound activities.
This free knowledge exchange event is all about Sounds To Keep – it will feature:
*a sound foraging taster workshop
*a chance to find out more about #SaveOurSounds & Unlocking Our Sound Heritage at The Keep, Brighton, including clips from the sound archives
*the Sounds To Keep digital story: piloting sound activities for community engagement, wellbeing & research
Bookings: This event is free and open to all. Please email Bethan Prosser
Booking essential for sound foraging workshop due to limited places. Please also let us know if you’re coming to the event for catering purposes and further information.
Full details here – join us!