For HR managers and health & social care professionals

For HR managers and health & social care professionals


Resources for HR managers:


Workplace Harmony: Teambuilding and Staff Wellbeing


‘Very joyful! We would definitely recommend the session for some TLC and mindfulness’ – The Clock Tower Sanctuary, August 2020

How is your team adjusting to remote working? Do you need some TLC?  Our 25-minute creative coffee-break session helps people feel happier, more connected, and engaged – and no musical experience is necessary!

We all learned something new and re-connected with each other: the experience was relaxing, exciting, moving and a good giggle, all at the same time.’ – Amaze

Neuroscience research shows that making music together reduces stress and combats overwhelm. Our experienced and friendly facilitators visit your organisation (either online or safely-distanced) to provide a creative and lively coffee-break session for teams of up to 30 people, to improve wellbeing and connection.


Contact us (below) for more details / call 01273 569096

Resources for staff:


Open Strings Stories

Join us for this video series on using music-making in your setting.


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